Vaidya Patankar Pharmacy

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Our 110 years long service to the nation began with a simple motto of ‘Arogyam Dhansampada’ and an aim to keep India healthy and free from common ailments by harnessing the traditional knowledge of Ayurveda. This led to formulation our proprietary Ayurvedic medicine…

“Vaidya Patankar Ayurvedic Kadha”

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The Essence of Ayurveda

What is Ayurvedic Kadha

Kadha or Karha is an Ayurvedic drink in which select spices and herbs are boiled mostly in water. Depending on the ailment or requirements, specific herbs are used. In India, this is a age-old prevalent practice that has been passed down from generations. ‘Kadha’ has ages old history and references in ancient Ayurveda.

What is Asava - Arishta

It is an advanced dosage form, which involves fermentation of extracts, liquids or kadhas. This aqueous extract form of Asava and Arishta makes it even more quicker and easier for human system to absorb and assimilate. It also locks down the volatile ingredients of herbs. Addition of spices gives the liquid good fragrance, taste and makes the Asav or Arishta more palatable.

What are Therapeutic Oils

Sesame oil is processed with medicinal herbs which are soothing for skin. We also manufacture other generic message oils beneficial for skin and muscle relaxation. We also manufacture fragrant aromatic oils like Lemon Grass Oil and Eucalyptus Oil.

Best of Ayurveda for your health!


  • Excellent Immunomodulator, 
  • Strengthens the respiratory system and 
  • Helps against recurrent illness and infections.
Liver detox & Liver Tonic
Breathing problems & Cough
Urine Stone & Urine Output
Mental Fatigue & Stress Relief
Heart Tonic
Hair rejuvenation & Sound Sleep
Backache, Knee and Joint Pain
Ayurvedic Oils

Ayurvedic Top Sellers

Ayurvedic Oils